Saturday, February 27, 2010

140 Taking Course

We praise God for His work in South Africa and that we can be
honoured to be part of His work .

Things are going so well with Johan Els's group. There are 140
people doing the course. On Sundays Johan or Dirk, the co-pastor,
brings a message related to the topic we have covered during the
sessions of the past week. Johan also develops a guideline for
discussion in the cell groups. In this way he makes sure that those
who do not attend the course are also exposed to the content of what
the rest of the church is learning at the Conference Training.

The pastors and their wives are living the Cross message and are
inspiring the congregation to do likewise. The past weekend I spent
time with Black Pastors' wives in Pretoria. It was a feast!!! I was
blessed to find that through Isaac and Rachel's influence these ladies
have come to the Cross, accepted their true identity in Christ, and
have moved on to be with Christ in the heavenlies above all power,
principalities, and names. I have hope for South Africa with young
women like that.

To say the truth I am thankful to be part of this plan of God. We will
be going to the North Province in April where Hannetjie Myburg has
started a satellite center for Exchanged Life Training. She has
trained 10 women, and we will be going to do the last section of
practical training. We rejoice that God is building His Church and
that we can be these tiny little wheels in His big network. Thank you
for guiding us and leading us and equipping us.

May God always surround everyone of us with His wall of favour.

Love in Christ,
Hendrik and Nehlsie

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ministry in Bellville West

Jan. 26, 2010  

Dear friends,  

We are well. Busy just now training a young lady from Polokwane, which is right up north (previously Pietersburg).

On Sunday we start with the 40 days of Exchanged Life in the Dutch Reformed Church in Bellville West. Piet du Toit will have a week of teaching in the evenings. Thereafter we will have seven weeks each Thursday night. After that, we will be training the counselors for the  Soccer event. And, hopefully, after that Helette will betraining the youth leaders. 

We will also continue  with those who want to be trained as counselors. Johan, the pastor, says that this is not just another course which they will tick off with "DONE"! and then run off to the next one. This is going to be a life style in their church. From here on they will have regular Exchange Life Conferences in their church. He is now focusing on his church board, the elders and deacons, and cell leaders. 

This  event is a dream come true and an answer to prayer. May his church be the first of many. We are blessed and we are so secure in God's provision. 

 Love in Christ,

 Hendrik and Nehlsie