Thursday, January 5, 2017

Two articles


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Saturday, December 31, 2016


Dr H F de Bruto

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Kwessie van Tyd en Einstein se Relatiwiteitsteorie

Kwessie van TYD en Einstein se relatiwiteitsteorie

Volgens hom is daar sprake van ‘n 4-dimensionaliteit van die heelal/kosmos. Daar is sprake van ‘n tyd-ruimtetelikheid.Tyd is onlosmaaklik deel van die ruimte waarin ons leef. Al sou ek sg. staties net op een plek sit, beweeg ek nog deur tyd. (Daar is m. a. w. sprake van TYD wat verloop - van tydsverloop. Daar is ‘n nou tyd, en daar is ‘n later tyd. (Ook kwessie van psigologiese / psigiese / sielkundige / sielsTYD tyd ter sprake hier.)

‘ n Horlosie sou daardie nou en later meet  as tydsverloop. Die vraag is, meet dit TYD of meet dit tydsverloop? (Maar is daar so iets as tyd as dit nie verander nie, as daar  m. a. w. nie sprake is van nou en van later nie, van tydsVERLOOP nie? Dan is TYD en tydsverloop mos een en dieselfde ding, of is dit? ) Die vraag  is: Kán ‘n horlosie TYD meet? Daar is m. i. sprake van verskillende soorte tyd. Horlosies het te make met Bewegingstyd. (Vergelyk maar die sonhorlosie!!!)

Maar daar is ook so iets as Gebeure-/biologiese/absolute TYD. Daar het iets gebeur tussen nou en later. Dit is teoreties deur Einstein voorspel en dit is herhaaldelik eksperimenteel bewys, dat hoe vinniger mens beweeg, hoe stadiger verloop tyd ( Time slows down.). Die afleiding word dan gemaak dat mens stadiger verouder hoe vinniger jy deur die ruimte sou beweeg - teen die snelheid van lig (wat net teoreties moontlik is) sou mens dus glad nie verouder nie. Die afleiding word gemaak dat die persoon wat teen ‘n baie hoë snelheid deur die ruimte beweeg na ‘n verloop van tyd baie jonger sou wees by sy terugkeer, as die persoon wat hier op die aarde agtergebly het en wat sou verouder het teen die “normale” tydsverloop.

Daar is vir my ‘n probleem met hierdie lg. aanname. Die probleem (o. a.) lê by die begrip/definisie/siening van wat TYD is. Daar  is m. i. verskillende begrippe van TYD ter sprake in die skepping. Daar is m. i. ‘n verwarring:  TYD  word enersyds as ‘n meetintrument  hanteer, wat “plek” aandui in die tyd-ruimte: Dit is 14:00; of Ek is 70.  14:00 dui op ‘n sekere tyd-ruimtelike plek m. b. t. die dag vir ‘n sekere persoon, gemeet in “ure” . En net so  70 jaar op die tyd-ruimtelike plek

m. b. t. die “bestaan” van ‘n persoon, gemeet in “jare”. Maar TYD is méér as net meetinstrument wat plek aandui in die tyd-ruimtelikheid van die kosmos.  Hier bo was net ter sprake van wat ek bewegingsTYD sou wou noem, omdat TYD hier bloot gedefinieer word m. b. t. beweging.

Maar TYD is immers sélf kosmiese substansie???? Dit is tog immers deel van die ruimtelikheid van die heelal/kosmos.  Vgl. hier bo na ‘n verloop van tyd - TYD het gebeur.  In hierdie lg. sin sou ek dit absolute, gebeure- of selfs biologiese TYD wou noem. Sien dit so. As die persoon A so vinnig deur die ruimte beweeg, terwyl persoon B “staties” op die aarde is, gebeur daar met albei iets bo en behalwe dat albei tyd- ruimtelik beweeg. En daardie gebeure hang nie af van die meting van TYD nie. Daardie gebeur IS TYD. Die vraag is dus: Wat beweeg stadiger? Is dit die meting van tyd, soos op ‘n horlosie aangedui - en onthou, ‘n horlosie is ‘n  metingsinstrument, of is dit TYD self wat stadiger GEBEUR? ‘n Gesofistikeerde kosmiese horlosie / atoomhorlosie meet  immers net die snelheid / beweging van atome.???? Dit sê m. a. w. dat beweging stadiger is, maar dit sê niks oor absolute,  gebeure- of biologiese TYD nie. Die vraag is: Is die gebeur stadiger? Is dit wat gebeur stadiger? gebeur biologiese prosesse ook stadiger, want dit het immers met veroudering te make? Is LEWE stadiger???? ‘n Horlosie meet TYD as ruimtelike beweging. Maar daar is nie net sprake van ruimtelike beweging nie, daar is ook sprake van biologiese “beweging” . En die vraag is: Hang dit af van, en of hang dit saam met  ruimtelike beweging? Daar is dus m. i. ook nog ter sprake Gebeure-/biologiese/absolute TYD




Dit sou geen sin maak om in kosmiese sin te praat van TYD as gerig  nie, d w s AS daar nie sprake was van gebeure nie. En gebeur is of net psigologies, of dit is ook kosmies - dus essensieel substansie van die werklikheidsdimensie.  In die werklikheidsdimensie is die rigting van TYD Glas heelà Glas breek. Maar die rigting  Glas heel ßGlas breek is nie moontlik nie. Dit kom daarop neer dat in tyd-ruimte dit net kan gebeur dat glas breek, maar dat dit nie kan gebeur dat ‘n GEbreekTE (TYD) glas vanself heel word nie. Dit is m. i. omdat daar nie net bewegingstyd ter sprake is nie, maar ook gebeuretyd - iets het gedurende hierdie tyd GEBEUR! En dit was nie TYD wat die glas gebreek het nie, iets het gebeur met die glas. En dit is onomkeerbaar. Dit IS moontlik om in bewegingstyd  Glas heel ßGlas breek te hê, omdat dit moontik is om in bewegingstyd breek vóór heel te hê, soos in ‘n filmopname wat agteruit speel. ?????????Dit lyk my dan onsinnig om te praat van nie verouder nie, of stadiger verouder as ons in tyd-ruimte teen ‘n hoër snelheid beweeg. TYD is nie net bewegingstyd nie, dit is ook gebeuretyd, en iets het gebeur, biologies het tyd verloop vir albei die persone, of een nou “staties” bly sit het (A), en die ander een (B)teen die snelheid van lig beweeg het. Daar sal altyd van ‘n nou en ‘n later sprake wees. Daar sal ‘n verskil tussen nou en later vir A en B wees, volgens die bewegingstyd op die horlosie, maar die verskil tussen nou en later in gebeuretyd sal presies dieselfde wees - albei sal ewe oud wees,  omdat dieselfde biologiese tyd met hulle gebeur het.



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Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Baby Saved by the Cross

One day I received a phone call from an employer asking me to counsel one of her employees. The lady was going for an abortion the next day, and the employer wanted me to speak to her. I agreed, but told the lady that I am not allowed to tell her not to have an abortion.

I got down on my knees and prayed.

The woman arrived, a beautiful woman. Her story was that she had two little boys, was divorced and fell pregnant. Her boyfriend had already paid the hospital, and made arrangements for her to have the abortion, and he was back in England.

I sat down with her and made sure of her salvation. She was a child of God. I asked her whether she made this decision from her soul or was it a decision she made in her spirit? She looked at me and said: "I do not understand; what you are saying?"

I then started to explain to her that she is a tri-partite being, but I continued to tell her what happened at the Cross and that she died with Christ and that she now is a new creation. She sat quietly, taking in every word I said. After I have illustrated what happened through the Line Diagrams, she interrupted me and said: "Can I please use your phone, and then I want to continue this conversation."

I agreed that she can use my phone. She then said: "Will you please stand close to me as I am speaking on the phone?"

Again I agreed.

She dialed a number and then spoke: "I am scheduled for an abortion tomorrow. Can you please cancel it? And please send the money which has already been paid for it to this account." She gave the name and bank account number of her boyfriend.

We then proceeded, and she prayed the Selfer's Prayer and exchanged her life for a new one in Christ.

I introduced her to our pastor's wife, and she was immediately accepted into a cell group where they covered her and her two little boys with God's love and protection.

The baby boy was born, and I visited her at home and held this precious beautiful baby in my arms and prayed for him. That was only once.

I went my way ministering and she went hers, looking after her boys. She was in our church, but I was always busy and didn't get time to spend with her.

One day in church, just before the service began, she came over to us with this gorgeous baby boy with his big blue eyes. He was then 10 months old. When she stood in front of me, this little boy grabbed me by my cheeks and kissed me on my mouth with his soft wet lips, and then he put his head on my shoulder and snuggled his little body close to my heart. Over his head I looked at his mother. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. I looked up at my husband; he was crying, too. The mother said to me: "This little boy never, ever does that to people. He is very shy and always clings to me. I am sure he is thanking you for saving his life." I just held him and cried.

We were overjoyed with gratefulness for the Cross of Jesus Christ.

- Nehlsie and Hendrik

Trainee Update

A Report on Trainee, Jacques

Jan. 23, 2013

Yesterday we had a good meeting with Jacques. We strengthened our working relationship and we are very excited about the things our Father is doing through Jacques. He has now established a church on a strong foundation of the Cross in the centre of Durbanville, Cape Town where many people can be reached. He has trained several pastors of which some are working with him in his congregation. They have planted a church in Durban over which we rejoice. We have prayed and asked many times for an open door in Kwazulu Natal and now God has done that already.

Jacques is focused on bringing people to the Cross, discipling them and sending them out. A church has been planted in Congo and in France.

Jaques is planning to build a counseling centre/church on his own property in Durbanville. At the moment they are renting a building which cost them a lot and they do not have all the freedom they would like to have for their ministry. A Bible School is also in the planning.
We rejoice because we can then send our students to the counseling centre for practical training.

Jacques is also fully equipped to help us in the process of getting our material and training accredited. We plan to work shoulder to shoulder and we will always communicate to you and also keep all the parties informed about our actions. At this moment Jacques needs lots of prayer as he steps out with the building project.
He as rained 30 counselors whom we will issue with Curare certificates.

Update on Curare Ministry

We do Conferences and the rest of the training by invitation.
We also do one-on-one training here from home. As soon as the students have completed the full course they must start their own ministries. We give them permission to use our material, but if they do make changes they must then either submit the changes to us in order that we can make sure it is still the message GFI stands for. If they prefer they can prepare their own material and where they do make use of GFI diagrams they must indicate that, but this is done under their own ministry name.

In this way there are numerous ministries carrying on throughout South Africa. The trainers keep in contact with us and where necessary we go and do the Internship for them or we go to the students and do an external exam with them to make sure they know what they are doing.

We visit the trainers at least once a year to encourage them and fill in some new knowledge and gather some new insights from them.
This is also the way in which we will support Jacques. We do not support our trainers financially but we do supply material where possible and help them to get on their feet.

H. &N. D.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Birth Announcement

Praise God with us as we thank Him for His goodness. Our daughter Monique  gave birth to our 7th grandchild, but first granddaughter today,  15th November, on Hendrik's 67th birthday. He is absolutely delighted because he wanted a granddaughter with all his heart. Both mother and daughter are  well. Both the brothers,  Sebastian and Reuben, are delighted with the arrival of little sister Meke.

Love in Christ,
Hendrik and Nehlsie